Japanese Lesson with Yukki 2 "On-Yomi and Kun-Yomi" ゆっきーの日本語講座2「音読みと訓読み」
I try to answer this question. 今回はこの質問にお答えします。
"I had one question about one of the verb I chose in the document: to learn, study / manabu / 学ぶ I read that 勉強をします (benkyou wo shimasu) also means "to study". Is there a difference between 勉強をします and 学びます? And which examples can I use it for? I tried googling, but couldn't find it "
Yukki's Answer: ゆっきーの答え: 勉強をする、勉強する、学ぶ all mean "to learn", "to study". The difference between 勉強 and 学ぶ is, one is kind of Chinese, one is called やまと言葉/yamato kotoba (classical Japanese, kind of old japanese).
Japanese vocabulary was getting increased through the chinese letters, called "漢字/Kanji". There was no letters in Japan in the previous time, befor the Kanjis had come to Japan. Because the Chinese and Japanese completely diferrent language, Japanese have to have two way for one Kanji letter; One is Japanese 訓読み/くんよみ/Kun-yomi, one is (like) chinese 音読み/おんよみ/On-yomi. And a "word", more than two Kanji letters putting together, is like an idiom, called 熟語/じゅくご/Jukugo. There are a lot of Jukugos, so it getting more Vocaburary in Japanese. You know now, about Kanjis more now. This makes Japanese much complicated More question: 更なる質問:
Hmm, that sounds pretty complicated.. XD Every kanji always has a chinese and japanese reading? But I guess in Japan only the Japanese reading is used? And the chinese reading of kanjis is used in China?
And about the "study" words, 勉強 is kinda Chinese and 学ぶ is old Japanese? Which one should I memorize? Is one of them for example more often used in Japan than the other word?
Yukki's Answer: ゆっきーの答え:
Yes, almost Kanjis have to difference way to read: On-yomi/Chiniese pronusiation and Kun-yomi/classical Japanese".
You can use "benkyou suru" and "manabu" both as well. "benkyou suru" is much usual. "manabu" sounds much more soft and poetic. Old or classical Japanese is called "yamato-kotoba". We use this yamatokotoba today as well, not only in the old time. Yamato-kotoba sounds often much poetically as Kanji-kotoba (just I made this word, based on Chinese with Kanjis, like Kanji+Kanji= Jukugo). About Kanji you may better read Wiki XD https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanji
猫に餌をやるなら おいしいのをね😋
写真は本題と無関係です。はっはっは~ This photo has nothing to do with the thema "Kanji" 😝