2020-05-23(Sa) 16-16:30 DE / 23-23:30 JP
**** 1, Introduction --- 5 min --- ****
Hello How are you?
Hope you are well.
Thank you for visiting to "Yuki.Mami.Collabo" Lesson 2 today!
We'd like to present you japanese language and culture.
I'm Yuki, shodo-calligraphy artist, living in Germany, Bremen.
I'm Mami .....
The first we'll talk about one famous saying in Japanese and English.
And then we'll write 4 Vocab as a Shodo-Art, Calligraphy.
Our streaming will be about a half an hour today.
If you like, message us please, in Japanese, English, German and Finnisch (maybe?), whatever you like.
*** 2, Topic --- 10min --- ***
Do you remember our topic at the last time ?
It was the famous saying of Shigeta Saitou, a psychologist, a son of a famous poet, Mokichi Saitou.
"It's better life to have more things, you can enjoy than more things you can do."
So let's go to the topic today!
We'd prepared a saying of a famous japanese baseball player "Ichiro".
“The accumulation of small efforts is the only way to reach unexpectedly huge success.”
『小さなことを積み重ねることが、とんでもないところに行くただ一つの道だと思う』 イチロー
小さなこと Small things
積み重ねる accumulate, stack up
とんでもない unexpected, surprising and huge
道 way
*** 3, 書 --- 10min --- ***
Now we'd like to write it as a calligraphy.
M---小さなこと ... small things
Y---積み重ねる ... accumulate, stack up
M---とんでもない ... unexpected, surprising and huge
Y-‐-道 way
*** 4, Last --- 5 min --- ***
So it was our second presentation about japanese language and cultur from us "Yuki.Mami.Collabo"
We will come back in two weeks again.
We'd like to stream regularly, the next one is on Friday June 05th, 11 pm japanese time.
Don't miss it!
If you have a phrase you'd like us to talk as a topic, please message us.
You can also visit our Hopmepage or Youtube.videos. by Mami.M or Atelier Yuki.
Hope you enjoyed today, and you can get a huge success, see you again, stay healthy!!!
アカウントはMami.M またはAtelier Yuki.
Both: Byebye ------
Yuki.Mami.Collabo -1, Friday 08.May 2020 "Introduction"
Yuki.Mami.Collabo 1 Introduction
(Netabare. script^^)
2020-05-08(Fr) 14.00-14.3
--- 5 min --- Greetings
M: Hello, thank you for visiting to "Yuki.Mami.Collabo" today!
Y: We'd like to present you japanese language and culture.
M: I'm Mami, I teach japanese calligraphy in Iwakuni, near of Hiroshima.
Y: I'm Yuki, shodo-calligraphy artist, living in Germany, Bremen.
M: The first we'll talk about one famours saying in Japanese and English.
Y: And then we'll write it as a Shodo-art, calligraphy.
M: Our streaming will be about a half an hour today.
Y: If you like, message us please!in Japanese, English, German and Finnisch (maybe?), whatever you like.
---10 min---Topic today
M: So let's go to the topic today!
Y: We'd prepared a saying of Shigeta Saitou, a psychologist, a son of a famous poet, Mokichi Saitou.
M: 「できること」が増えるより、「楽しめること」が増えるのが、いい人生。
Y: It's better life to have more things you can enjoy than more things you can do.
M: できること things you can do, 増える increase, add to, getting more
Y: 楽しめること things you can enjoy, いい人生 good life
---10 min---書 calligraphy

M: Now we'd like to write it as a calligraphy.
---5 min---Last
M: So it was our first presentation about japanese language and cultur from us "Yuki.Mami.Collabo"
Y: We will come back in two weeks again.
M: We'd like to stream regularly, the next one is on Saturday 11 pm japanese time.
Y: If you have a phrase you'd like us to talk as a topic, please message us.
M: You can also visit our Hopmepage or Youtube.videos. by Mami.M or Atelier Yuki.
Y: Hope you enjoyed today, and you can get a good life, see you again, stay healthy!!!
Both: Byebye ------
(Netabare. script^^)
2020-05-08(Fr) 14.00-14.3
--- 5 min --- Greetings
M: Hello, thank you for visiting to "Yuki.Mami.Collabo" today!
Y: We'd like to present you japanese language and culture.
M: I'm Mami, I teach japanese calligraphy in Iwakuni, near of Hiroshima.
Y: I'm Yuki, shodo-calligraphy artist, living in Germany, Bremen.
M: The first we'll talk about one famours saying in Japanese and English.
Y: And then we'll write it as a Shodo-art, calligraphy.
M: Our streaming will be about a half an hour today.
Y: If you like, message us please!in Japanese, English, German and Finnisch (maybe?), whatever you like.

M: So let's go to the topic today!
Y: We'd prepared a saying of Shigeta Saitou, a psychologist, a son of a famous poet, Mokichi Saitou.
M: 「できること」が増えるより、「楽しめること」が増えるのが、いい人生。
Y: It's better life to have more things you can enjoy than more things you can do.
M: できること things you can do, 増える increase, add to, getting more
Y: 楽しめること things you can enjoy, いい人生 good life

M: Now we'd like to write it as a calligraphy.

M: So it was our first presentation about japanese language and cultur from us "Yuki.Mami.Collabo"
Y: We will come back in two weeks again.
M: We'd like to stream regularly, the next one is on Saturday 11 pm japanese time.
Y: If you have a phrase you'd like us to talk as a topic, please message us.
M: You can also visit our Hopmepage or Youtube.videos. by Mami.M or Atelier Yuki.
Y: Hope you enjoyed today, and you can get a good life, see you again, stay healthy!!!
Both: Byebye ------
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